Agenda Items
Agenda Items
- Refer to System Regulation 31.08.01 and the member’s rule for guidelines and requirements.
- Submission Sample
- Submission Template
- Signed PDF memo from CEO Template (required)
Faculty Development Leave
- Refer to System Regulation 12.99.01 for guidelines and requirements.
- Agenda Item Sample
- Agenda Item Template
- Refer to System Policy 12.01, Regulation 12.01.01 and the member’s rule for guidelines and requirements.
- Agenda Item Sample
- Agenda Item Template
- CV required with submission
Naming of Facilities
- Agenda Item Sample (Single Naming)
- Agenda Item Sample (Multiple Namings)
- Agenda Item Attachments (required)
- Memorandum on University Letterhead (see Naming Sample) Include an unsigned WORD version and a signed PDF version of the Memorandum.
- Memorandum must state the following if name presentation is for a current employee: (Member) confirms that (employee name) is a current employee and this naming follows Section 3(b) of Policy 51.06, Naming of Buildings, Geographical Areas and Academic Entities.
- Member’s Signed Gift Agreement/Template (fillable sample if needed)
- Member Naming Request Checklist and Required Attachments
- Agenda Item Sample (Single QE)
- Agenda Item Sample (Multiple QEs)
- Agenda Item Attachment (required if Multiple QEs submission)
- Listing (see Multiple QEs Sample)
Coaching Contracts
- Refer to System Policy 25.07, Section 2(d) to determine if Board approval is required.
- Agenda Item Sample (Single Coach)
- Agenda Item Sample (Multiple Coaches)
- Agenda Item Attachments (required)
- Salary Justification Form
- Proposed Terms of Coaching Contract (required for RENEWALS ONLY)
(Include an unsigned WORD version and a signed PDF version of the Terms sheet)
- Memorandum of Understanding Template (required for NEW HIRES ONLY)
(Include BOTH an unsigned and signed WORD version of the MOU)
- MOU Instructions (PDF)
Please confer with the System Office of General Counsel if major deviations are requested from the MOU template.
Frequently Referenced System Policies/Regulations
Email questions and comments to