Welcome to System Offices Human Resources


The FY2025 Holiday Schedule is now available. You can view the holiday schedule for the A&M System by choosing the following link or choosing the holiday tab above.

External Employment:  please note that all employees who are employed by another A&M System member or by an entity outside of the A&M System must fill out and submit the form. These forms require a fiscal renewal.  

Medical and Mental Health Care for Certain Veterans:  if you are a veteran who served in the army, navy, air force, coast guard or marine corps of the United States or the Texas National Guard as defined by § 431.001, and eligible for health benefits under a program administered by the Veterans Health Administration of the United States Department of Veterans Affairs, may be granted leave without a deduction in salary or loss of vacation time, sick leave, earned overtime credit, or state compensatory time to obtain medical or mental health care administered by the Veterans Health Administration of the United States Department of Veterans Affairs. Leave granted may not exceed 15 working days each fiscal year unless approved by the member CEO.  Please reach out to Dawn Santo (dsanto@tamus.edu) with any questions regarding qualifications for leave and/or fiscal year renewal. 

Wellness Release Time:  wellness release time provides all full-time (40hr/week) benefits eligible, System Office employees the opportunity to use 30 minutes of their regular work hours, up to 3 times a week, to exercise or participate in physical fitness activities which affords employees time to focus on physical activity to reap the health benefits which in turns helps System Offices maintain a healthy workforce.  Participating in this wellness release program requires a fiscal year renewal.