Home / The Texas A&M University System Policy Office / Regulation Development QuestionnaireRegulation Development Questionnaire Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Contact Office* Subject Matter Expert (SME)* Email of SME (will be CC'ed on submission)* Phone of SMERegulation Need:*NewRevisionDeletionRegulation Number and Name* Describe the reason for the New or Revised regulation or Deletion. If new, could this be better justified as a Policy or Rule rather than as a Regulation?*List any other regulations, rules, or policies this will affect.Identify "Subject Area Stakeholders" (in addition to System Member Policy Compliance Officers) who you request to review the regulation and provide additional comments or suggestions before final approval. Provide email addresses and/or listserv info.State the target completion date and any factors that might affect the target:Please provide draft as attachment. Draft MUST be in Word Format, and if a revision, it must include tracked annotations. Regulation Attachment 1Accepted file types: doc, docx, only, Max. file size: 50 MB.