Home / The Texas A&M University System Policy Office / Certification FormCertification Form Date of Review* MM slash DD slash YYYY Policy/Regulation Name and Number* Contact Office* Subject Matter Expert (SME)* Email of SME (will be CC'ed on submission)* Phone of SMEPlease answer the following Questions in regards to the addressed policy/regulation:1. Does the System truly need this policy/regulation? Yes No Why or why not?*2. Could this policy/regulation be consolidated with any other current policy or regulation? Yes No If yes, what other policy or regulations could be combined?*3. Is the policy/regulation current and accurate in these four areas below:a. Legal – Does the policy/regulation accurately reflect and is it consistent with federal and/or state law (including administrative rules)? Consult the System Office of General Counsel if you have any questions.* Yes No If no, give a brief description of the changes needed. (note section if available) b. Operational – Does the policy/regulation accurately reflect the System's philosophy, expectations and priorities? Does it reference the current Members, departments, or organizational structures? Are web links and references up to date?* Yes No If no, give a brief description of the changes needed. (note section if available)c. Style – Does the current policy/regulation use the “policy/regulation template”? Is it brief, understandable, and concise? Does the policy provide broad guidance while leaving the specificity of actions to regulations and rules?* Yes No If no, give a brief description of the changes needed. (note section if available)d. Other – Are there any other reasons that this policy/regulation should be updated or deleted?* Yes No If yes, give a brief description4. If this policy/regulation needs updating, please state the target completion date of the new revised policy/regulation and any factors that might affect the target.5. If this policy/regulation needs updating, please list any other policies, regulations, or rules this policy/regulation affects:If draft is available, please provide as attachment. These MUST be in Word Format, and if a revision, it must include tracked annotations.Policy/Regulation Attachment 1Accepted file types: doc, docx, Max. file size: 50 MB.Policy/Regulation Attachment 2 Accepted file types: doc, docx, Max. file size: 50 MB.Policy/Regulation Attachment 3 Accepted file types: doc, docx, Max. file size: 50 MB.