Walk Across Texas (WAT!)
Walk Across Texas is an 8-week program created by the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service with the goal of getting people in the habit of regular physical activity. WAT! gets its name from the 830 miles it would take to walk across the state of Texas. The goal of WAT! is to participate in enough physical activity to match the equivalent of walking 830 miles. There is a range of activities that can count towards your goal such as jogging, swimming, biking, rollerblading, or using cardio machines at the gym. Dancing and gardening even count and there is a mileage calculator to identify the miles/activity on the Walk Across Texas website. You can start at any time. Many System campuses and agencies use this opportunity to create some friendly competition with dozens of 8-person teams. Contact your Wellness Coordinator or Human Resources office at your institution or find out more at https:// walkacrosstexas.org/.