Teacher Preparation

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Staying Power: Does Preparation Route Matter for Teacher Persistence?

Staying Power: Preparation Route and Teacher Persistence The past five blog posts have presented data related to the teaching profession in Texas. We have examined data ranging from the educator landscape in Texas to teacher production by Educator Preparation Program (EPP) type to multiple measures of EPP quality (exit survey, new teacher survey, and principal survey)….

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Evaluating Educator Preparation Programs: New Teacher Survey Data

Evaluating Educator Preparation Programs: New Teacher Survey Data With the new school year kicking-off, we are winding down our summer blog series with two more entries before the Labor Day holiday next month. Previous posts can be accessed at our main site. This blog serves as a book-end to the previous post related to teacher…

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Evaluating Educator Preparation Programs: Candidate Exit Survey Data

Evaluating Educator Preparation Programs: Candidate Exit Survey Data We are continuing our data series on public school teachers in Texas. To this point, we have looked at trends related to the quantity of public school teachers in Texas, the production of newly-certified teachers by type of Educator Preparation Program (EPP), and the quality of new…

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Evaluating Teacher Quality: TEA Principal Survey

Evaluating Teacher Quality: TEA Principal Survey Our two previous blog posts related to educator preparation reviewed data pertaining to the number of certified teachers in public schools in Texas, as well as the productivity of Educator Preparation Programs (EPP). This blog post turns our analytical lens to reviewing one measure of teacher quality in the…