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Pell Recipients and the Interesting Case of Transfer Student Success

We continue our blog series on student success using the IPEDS Outcome Measures (OM) data with a look at outcomes for Pell versus non-Pell grant recipients. The Pell Grant program “provides grant assistance to eligible undergraduate postsecondary students with demonstrated financial need to help meet education expenses” (NCES). As previously discussed, the OM data includes categories for all combinations of…

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The Struggle is Real: Part-Time Students and Bachelor’s Degree Attainment

Our previous posts in this blog series on graduation rates using the IPEDS Outcome Measures (OM) data have concentrated on students who initially enrolled as full-time students. Across public universities in Texas in the 2014 cohort, 59% of first-time-in-college (FTIC), full-time students and 68% of full-time transfer students graduated with a bachelor’s degree within 8 years of starting at the…

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The Complexity of Calculating Transfer Students’ Graduation Rates

The National Student Clearinghouse released their “Transfer and Progress: Fall 2023 Report” this week, as the data showed that students transferring into a new institution increased by 5.3 percent when compared to fall 2022. Interestingly, upward transfer students (from 2-year to 4-year institutions) gained the most with a 7.7-percent increase, which is the first increase since the…

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The Relationship Between 8-Year Graduation Rates and Economic Status/Race/Ethnicity

In our previous blog post, we introduced the IPEDS Outcome Measures, which extends graduation rate calculations out to 8 years while also including part-time and transfer students in the metrics. Across public universities in Texas, we saw that 57% of full-time, first-time entering students in the 2014 cohort completed their bachelor’s degree at their originating university…


County Migration in Texas

In our previous blog post, we looked at state-to-state migration trends, digging into the American Community Survey (ACS) migration flows data to look at in-migration, out-migration, and net migration trends across American states. We found that Texas had the second-highest net increase in the 2020 data with almost 98,000 new residents, only trailing the state of Florida’s 170K…


State-to-State Migration Trends in the United States

Migration Trends Across the USA Throughout this series on factors related to higher education enrollment, we have looked at data pertaining to the “birth dearth” in the US and population changes based on age, race and ethnicity. Another key element to understanding the future of enrollment in colleges and universities is movement of individuals between…


Population Trends by State: Race and Ethnicity

Population Trends by State: Race and Ethnicity Throughout our series on factors affecting current and future enrollments in higher education in Texas, we have looked at trends in birth rates, high school graduation rates, and age-related demographics. With the US Census Bureau’s recent release of the newest edition of the American Community Survey (ACS) data,…


Population Trends in Texas by University and County

Population Trends in Texas by University and County The US Census Bureau released the newest edition of the American Community Survey (ACS) data last week, publishing updated 5-year estimates (2017-2021). The timeliness of this release allows us to explore the most up-to-date data regarding trends in the population in Texas. This blog post narrows the…

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Evaluating Educator Preparation Programs: New Teacher Survey Data

Evaluating Educator Preparation Programs: New Teacher Survey Data With the new school year kicking-off, we are winding down our summer blog series with two more entries before the Labor Day holiday next month. Previous posts can be accessed at our main site. This blog serves as a book-end to the previous post related to teacher…