Breast Cancer Screening

Stay on top of things that matter. Women ages 40 to 49 should talk with their doctor about when to start getting mammograms and how often to get them. Women ages 50 to 74 should get mammograms every 2 years. Prioritize your health and make time for your breast cancer screening. Take action by accessing the Find a Provider resource card on MyEvive, or call your Benefits Value Advisor at 1.866.295.1212.

Breast and Cervical Cancer Screenings: The Power of Prevention
Whether it’s your annual wellness visit or your cholesterol test, it’s important to keep up with your health screenings. Screenings play an important role in catching small health problems before they become big ones. For breast cancer and cervical cancer, screenings can be lifesavers.

Breast cancer: About 1 in 8 American women will get breast cancer at some point in her life. Each year about 280,000 new cases of invasive breast cancer are diagnosed in the U.S. Screening mammograms can find breast cancer early when it’s easier to treat.

Cervical cancer: About 14,000 new cases of invasive cervical cancer are diagnosed every year. Roughly 4,000 women will die annually from the cancer. The good news: with regular screenings, cervical cancer is now among the easiest gynecological cancers to prevent and treat.

Getting your breast and/or cervical cancer screenings may count towards your Two-Step Wellness Program activities. Log into MyEvive and view your Two-Step Wellness Program and status.

Spread the word:
Early Detection Helps Prevent Deaths from Breast Cancer
One Simple Test Can Save Your Life

Sources: Cancer Stat Facts: Female Breast Cancer, National Cancer Institute, 2021; Key Statistics for Breast Cancer, American Cancer Society, 2022; Key Statistics for Cervical Cancer, American Cancer Society, 2022

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