Month: February 2022

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Exploring Student Debt: The National Perspective

Exploring Student Debt: The National Perspective As we continue our look into the various aspects of student educational debt, we shift our focus from a Texas-only review in our previous blog posts (here and here) to review the national trends. Even though the Texas data as tracked in the 60x30TX Plan show that student loan debt indicators…

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Student Debt to 1st-Year Earnings: THECB’s 60x30TX Goals

Student Debt to 1st-Year Earnings: THECB’s 60x30TX Goals This blog post is the second in our series exploring student loan debt. Our previous blog post showed promising trends in terms of the percentage of bachelor’s graduates at Texas public universities who graduate with student loan debt decreasing from 62.5% in 2014 to 56.4% in 2020, as…