Consultant Contract Notification Form

1. Name of Agency: _______________________________________________

2. Number of Proposed Contract: ____________________________________

3. Type of Contract: Original ___ Renewal ___ Amendment ___ Extension ___

4. Submission Purpose (Check):

  • Notification Requirements _____
  • Fact-Finding Requirements _____
  • Request for Emergency Waiver _____

5. Anticipated Contract Award Date:

6. Anticipated Contract Completion Dates:

7. Contact Person (Name, Title, and Phone Number):

8. Cost of Contract by Fund:

9. Need for Contract:

10. Alternative of Internal Study or Interagency Contract:

11. Consultant Selection Information:


Detailed Instructions for Completion of the Consultant Contract Notification Form

The Governor’s Budget and Planning Office (GBPO) and the Legislative Budget Office (LBO) have developed this format to facilitate uniform notification regarding planned consultant use. Complete and accurate use of the format is very important. The following instructions are provided to assist A&M System Members in completing the form:

(Section Description Action/Data Required)

1. Name of Agency: Enter the complete System Member name.

2. Number of Proposed Contract: Each consultant service contract should be consecutively numbered during each fiscal year. We suggest the format 91-00X where X is the number of the contract among contracts submitted during the current fiscal year. If similar services are to be performed by different contractors, then separate numbers should be used to file separate reports for each contractor.

3. Type of Contract: Identify for which category of contract the notification is being made.

4. Submission Purpose: Identify whether the report is being filed to comply with fact-finding requirements, or notification requirements, or both. Submit two (2) copies of the report to the GBPO. If the report is for notification purposes, also send two (2) copies to the LBO.

5. Anticipated Contract Award Date: Indicate the date on which the contract will most likely be awarded.

6. Anticipated Contract Completion Dates: This should include projected dates for preliminary submission of contracted products, including preliminary, draft, and final reports.

7. Contact Person: Enter the name, title and phone number of the System Member contact person.

8. Cost of Contract by Fund: The total anticipated cost of the study should be listed according to method of financing. If distinct bids are required for separate elements of the work plan, then the reported total cost estimate should also be expressed in terms of those bid elements.

9. Need for Contract: Explain why a substantial need for the contract exists. Such an explanation might include:

  • governing board or commission directives regarding new System component policies or programs
  • new legislation which has created new programs, or appropriation bill riders which specifically direct certain studies
  • expected improvement in System component operations or in management of programs

Attach a copy of the published request for proposals (or invitation for contracts) to the notification form, and include any further information about the services to be delivered under the contract. Explain how the final product to be delivered under contract will be incorporated into System Member operations, or into the System Member’s future legislative appropriation requests.

10. Alternative of Internal Study or Interagency Contract: Indicate why an internal study is not a more feasible alternative. Explain the priority process which determined that other System Member activities require personnel allocations which prevent this particular contract from being completed internally.

List agencies and individuals actually contacted for the possibility of an interagency contract. If none are contacted, list the reasons why the services described in the contract proposal cannot be provided under an interagency contract.

11. Consultant Selection Information: Please list all the following:

  • The requirements for demonstrated competence, knowledge, and qualifications of the consultant
  • The justification for the anticipated cost and fee in terms of the service to be received
  • A confirmation that preference will be given, all other considerations being equal, to a consultant whose principal place of business is within the State
  • Whether the contract will be bid or negotiated

If a contract is continuation of a service previously performed by a consultant, then the System Member may announce that fact in the published contract invitation. The System Member is also authorized to state that the contract will be awarded to the previous consultant unless a better offer is received.

Since this type of process by its nature tends to limit contract competition, System Members are hereby requested to include the following additional information:

  • Name and address of the previous consultant
  • Previous contract amount
  • Type of services rendered under previous contract, including copies of any final or draft contract products
  • Details on the process by which the consultant was chosen.


Guidelines for Data Submission

Several fields have been added or deleted from the previous reporting requirement. A category field has been added to be used for each contract type. The method of finance for each fiscal year has been eliminated. The ABEST data entry option and the text format have been removed.

Data must be submitted as a spreadsheet file (Excel, Lotus, Quattro Pro) on a 3 ½” floppy diskette. Column headings must match the attached example. Agency initial reports consisting of all current contracts were due November 22, 1996 to the LBB. Following that date any new contracts or renewed/amended contracts must be reported within 10 days of execution. For those contracts that are renewed or amended, a new record for the contract with all the new information must be provided. Any questions can be referred to Gregg Davis at 512/463-1200.

(Column Title Brief Definition)

Agy Name Name of the Agency

Agy No Agency Number

Contractor Name of the contractor:

  • Individuals – Doe, John
  • DBA – Doe, John DBA Anchor Enterprises
  • Businesses – John Doe Incorporated

Payee ID Comptroller’s PIN number used on payment vouchers. This should be the same as the Tax ID Number for a business. Do not use “-” or spaces.

  • Example: 17413776117

Contractor Address The billing address of the contractor. Include Street, P.O. Box, City, State, and Zip Code.

Contract Number The unique number used by the agency to identify a specific contract. Any combination of alpha/numeric.

  • Example: 95-2634-889AB

Subject A brief descriptive statement limited to 40 characters. Should uniquely identify the contract.

  • Example: The Walker building/sidewalks

Contract Type (P)rofessional, (C)onstruction, Consu(L)tant

  • (P)rofessional: provide a service; not limited to Section 2254.021(1) Government Code
  • (C)onstruction: build something, remodel a building, land improvements
  • Consu(L)tant: gives advice or supervises a project; not limited to Section 2254.002(2) Government Code

Category Secondary identification of contract:

  • IR (Information Resources): computers and telecommunication, including hardware and software purchases
  • Pur: Purchases of large quantity of supplies, materials, and food
  • Bus: Office-related, legal, accounting, and financial audits
  • Perf: Studies, reviews, surveys, and performance audits
  • Other: Does not fit in one of the other categories

Award Date The origination date of the contract.

  • Example: 02-25-1995

Completion Date The maturity date of the contract. If completion date is anticipated to be sometime during a specific month, use the last day of the month for the date.

  • Example: 03-31-1995

Cost The amount of the contract rounded to the nearest whole dollar.

FY Fiscal Year associated with the FY Cost

FY Cost The amount expended or budgeted for each fiscal year of the contract

Explanation A short narrative description of the need for the contract.

  • Example: Prepare year-end financial audit for agency.

Alternatives A short narrative description of the alternatives available.

  • Example: Remote location with no in-house expertise.

Cont. Emp List contracting parties that were previously on the agency payroll and their last date of employment with the agency.

  • Example: Bob Thomas President August 15, 1994


Last updated 3/99