Tort Claim Reporting

Tort Claim Reporting – Bodily Injury/Property Damage to Non-Employees

The Risk Management and Safety Office (RMS) and the Office of General Counsel (OGC) of The Texas A&M University System needs immediate notice of the essential details of any possible claim that may arise under the Texas Tort Claims Act (Chapter 101, Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code).

All incidents must be reported in our RMIS, Origami.  In the past, we have asked Members to use an “Incident Report” Form which can still be used to collect information or if your department has a current report form that they require that can be used instead.  These paper forms can be uploaded into Origami as part of the claim documentation. 

  1. Complete the loss form for injured non-employee or if there was only property damage you can select damaged non-Member property.

  2. To complete your claim submission include any supporting documentation available; including the incident report form.

When Completing your claim form in Origami or the incident report form, we ask these reports contain as much summary detail as are known immediately upon the occurrence of any incident that may be considered to create a possible claim under the Texas Tort Claims Act. The form should be submitted with as complete information as possible (including essential additional details and comments not specifically requested on the form) and not later than five days after the essential details of the incident are known.

Reporting procedures should be established within each System Member in order that the chief financial officer or a designee will be made aware immediately of any such incidents and with sufficient details thereon required to prepare and promptly submit the incident.

OGC, after reviewing the report, will request additional information needed for its files or for reporting to the Attorney General.

For questions, please feel free to contact us.