The Texas A&M University System
Seeks New Chancellor

Introduction to The A&M System

The Texas A&M University System was officially established in 1948 and has evolved into one of the largest systems of higher education in the nation, with a statewide network of 11 universities, including our flagship, Texas A&M University, and ten regional universities across the state. Additionally, the A&M System provides service and education to the people of Texas and beyond through eight state agencies, Texas A&M-Fort Worth, Texas A&M-RELLIS and the A&M System administration office.

Each of the A&M System members has its own unique mission, history and goals. Together, they provide research, educational programs and community enhancement services that improve the lives of people in Texas and around the world. A&M System universities educate over 157,000 students and make more than 21 million additional educational contacts through service and outreach programs each year.

With more than 28,000 faculty and staff positions, the A&M System has a physical presence in 250 of the state’s 254 counties and a programmatic presence in every county. The A&M System has real property holdings totaling more than 62,000 surface acres and 65,000 mineral acres. System-wide, externally funded research expenditures exceed $1.5 billion to help drive the state’s economy. The A&M System is a beneficiary of the Permanent University Fund (PUF), a public endowment established in the Texas Constitution of 1876.

The A&M System, with a total operating budget of $8 billion, is governed by a nine-member Board of Regents. A nonvoting student member was added in 2006. The regents appoint the chancellor, the chief executive officer who oversees the direction and operation of the A&M System. The A&M System’s role is governed by the state’s education code, Title 3, chiefly Ch. 51, Sec. 51.353 and Ch. 85, Sec. 85.17.

System Members Map

Position Specification

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Overview of The A&M System