Chancellor’s Student Advisory Council (CSAC)

The Chancellor’s Student Advisory Council (CSAC) is a distinguished body within the Texas A&M University System, established to represent and advocate for the collective interests of the student body across all member institutions. Since its inception in 1982, CSAC has been instrumental in fostering communication between students and system leadership, ensuring that student perspectives are integral to decision-making processes. CSAC remains committed to enhancing the student experience across the Texas A&M University System by serving as a proactive and responsive advocate for student interests.

Purpose and Mission

CSAC serves as the official liaison between students and the Texas A&M System leadership. Its primary objectives include:

Advocacy: Acting as the unified voice for students, CSAC addresses system-wide issues and collaborates with leadership to implement beneficial policies.

Communication: Facilitating effective dialogue between the student body and administration to ensure transparency and mutual understanding.

Consultation: Reviewing and providing input on policies affecting students, ensuring that their needs and concerns are considered in administrative decisions.


The council comprises two representatives from each member institution within the Texas A&M University System, including the Galveston campus and the Health Science Center. Typically, these representatives are:

  • Student Body President or an appointed member from the institution’s Student Government Association executive committee.
  • Student Senate Member or other student leader appointed by the Student Body President of the respective institution.

Additionally, the Student Regent holds an ex-officio, non-voting position within CSAC, providing valuable insights and fostering a cohesive relationship between the council and the Board of Regents.

Member InstitutionStudent RepresentativesTitle
East Texas A&M UniversityEstefania Olivas
Airam Cordova
SGA President
SGA Senator
Prairie View A&M UniversityJasmine Jeffries
Bryson Stokes
SGA President
SGA Vice-President
Tarleton State UniversityGabriel Day
Emma Bielamowicz
SGA President
SGA Vice-President
Texas A&M International UniversityJesus “Conrad” Galaviz
Adalberto Gonzalez
SGA President
SGA Vice-President
Texas A&M UniversityCade Coppinger
Ava Blackburn
SGA President
SGA Speaker of the Student Senate
Texas A&M University-Central TexasTommie Barker
Kenneth Thorpe
SGA Executive Board Member
SGA Executive Board Member
Texas A&M University-Corpus ChristiAndrea Hinojosa
Madeleine Elliott
SGA President
SGA First-Year Council Director
Texas A&M University-KingsvilleHarley Davis
Erika Juarez
SGA President
SGA Vice-President
Texas A&M University-San AntonioSerenity Gill
Janet Zulu
SGA President
SGA Vice-President
Texas A&M University-TexarkanaCaleb Horne
Evan “Josh” Heater
SGA President
SGA Finanical Officer
Texas A&M University Galveston CampusLauren Bothwell
Abigail McKenna
SGA President
SGA Vice-President
Texas A&M University Health Science CenterSurya Chinamuthevi
Savanna Stevens
Student Advisory Council (SAC) President
SAC Vice-President
The Texas A&M University SystemCage SawyersStudent Regent
West Texas A&M UniversityKyal Browne
Sloan Knowlton
SGA President
SGA Vice-President

Meetings and Engagements

CSAC convenes regularly to discuss pertinent student issues and collaborate on initiatives. Meetings are scheduled as follows:

Monthly Meetings: Held as necessary to address ongoing projects and emerging concerns.

Annual Gatherings: These include sessions during the A&M System Student Affairs Symposium and meetings aligned with the Board of Regents’ schedule.

In legislative session years, CSAC holds meetings in Austin, providing members with the opportunity to engage directly with state leaders and policymakers, thereby influencing legislation that impacts the student body.

Organizational Structure

CSAC operates under a structured framework to ensure effective governance and accountability. The council’s leadership includes:

  • President: Oversees council activities, represents CSAC in official capacities, and ensures adherence to the constitution.
  • Vice President: Assists the President and assumes duties in their absence, while also guiding committee work.
  • Secretary/Historian: Maintains records of meetings, manages communications, and preserves the council’s history.

These officers are elected by the council members and serve terms as defined in the CSAC Constitution.

Constitutional Framework

The CSAC operates under a constitution that outlines its structure, responsibilities, and procedures. This guiding document ensures that the council functions democratically and effectively in representing the student body. For detailed information, please refer to the CSAC Constitution.

Support and Resources

Administrative support for CSAC is provided by the Office of the Chancellor, ensuring seamless coordination of activities. Additionally, the Chancellor’s Century Council offers budgetary assistance for special events and initiatives, enabling CSAC to effectively execute its mission.

Contact Information

For more information about CSAC, please contact: James Searles, Program Director for Academic Affairs Initiatives, by phone at (979) 458-7401 or by email at